
大学的要求可能相当高. Time management is the most fundamental organizational skill you will need to succeed in college.

When you were younger, someone else made this happen. 例如,你的父母可能 have kept your vital records organized and in a safe place, made doctor appointments or reminded you of upcoming deadlines. 现在,就看你的了.


每天的小时数 每周天数 每周工作时间
On the average, how many hours do you sleep in each 24 hour period, including those 下午小睡?
On the average, how many hours a day do you engage in grooming activities?
On the average, how many hours a day do you spend on meals, including preparation 清理时间?
How much time do you spend commuting to and from campus and how many times do you 在一周内完成这些? Include the amount of time it takes to park and walk from your 汽车或公共汽车站去上课.
On the average, how many hours a day do you spend doing errands?
On the average, how many hours do you spend each week doing co-curricular activities (student organizations, working out, church, etc.)?
On the average, how many hours a week do you work at a job?
How many hours do you spend in class each week?
On the average, how many hours per week do you spend with friends, going out, watching 看电视,参加聚会等等?
Compute the number of hours you are spending each week engaged in daily living activities 学校活动.




一周有168个小时. Find out how many hours remain for studying, since this is not one of the activities included above. 168
Subtract total daily living 学校活动.



Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get a lot done? 你曾经希望过你吗 could get more accomplished in your day, week or year? 如果是这样,你可能想要 an inventory of the time management strategies that you currently use. 它们有效吗?? Here are some tools and strategies:


  • Identify your long-term and short-term goals and prioritize them.
  • Planning can help you identify and prioritize to work on them strategically. 而 planning does take time and effort, the result of planning may save you time in the 长远来看.


  1. 了解你的时间都去哪儿了. If you completed the above time management calculator, you'd learn where you're spending 你的时间. Remember, it doesn't track all activities during the week.
  2. 完成 每周计划日志(docx) to learn where you are spending 你的时间. You may be surprised to discover you surfed the web for an hour or spent two hours on social media.
  3. 制作学期日历 starting at the beginning of the semester. Include large assignments, projects, scheduled 测试和测验.
  4. 创建一个每周待办事项清单 从学期日历. Break down significant reading and writing assignments and projects and include study time. Recommended study time for each enrolled credit 每周2 - 3小时. So, if you enrolled in 15 credit hours, you will need approximately 30 hours of study time a week outside of the classroom.
  5. 创建一个每天的待办事项清单 从每周列表中. Include items you need to complete that may or may not be school-related.
  6. 给清单上的每个项目打分. Once you schedule items on your weekly and daily list, rate each item in order of importance and if it should be included. 问自己我应该做什么vs. 我 想做什么或什么是有价值的vs. 什么是紧急的?.



  • 更聪明地工作,而不是更努力地工作. Find your most productive time of the day and complete the most challenging subjects 在那段时间里.
  • 只管去做. Break the task into bite size pieces for challenging tasks you tend to procrastinate on. Fifteen minutes of focused attention can help you tackle those dreaded items on 你的列表.
  • 把你的工作带在身边. Sometimes you come across available time slots unexpectedly.
  • 不要浪费等待的时间. Find ways to put even a few minutes of waiting to good use. 例如,在等待的时候 for your class to begin review your previous class lecture notes.
  • Have a system for getting things done. Organization in your home will save time looking for lost or misplaced items.
  • 可行时多任务处理. Study while waiting for a load of laundry to dry; clean the kitchen while cooking; 打电话时弄灰尘.
  • 不要over-obligate. Say "no" to committees, groups, social obligations and activities that will be a 浪费你的时间. 记住你的长期目标. 问问你自己这是不是新的 commitment will help you accomplish your goals.
  • Set specific goals for each study session. For example, you may want to read a chapter in your textbook, complete an assignment or work on a bite size piece of a big project during a scheduled study session.
  • 制定一个时间表并坚持执行 尽可能多. When unexpected things come up, review your daily schedule and place the missed task (study/homework) into a time slot that is a lower priority. For example, you lost two hours of study time because your friend had a flat tire. Substitute your study time with the time you planned to watch your favorite TV show.
  • Eliminate interruptions and distractions. Select a study area that is quiet and conducive to learning. 采取措施消除 distractions, including turning off your phone, staying away from social media, checking 电子邮件或通知.
  • 避免浪费时间. 你知道你的是什么! Virtually anything can be a time waster.
  • 从今天开始. There is no reason to postpone taking steps to be a better self manager. 如果你愿意 like to learn more about developing time management skills, contact your campus 心理咨询办公室.

Time management apps and resources

来源:改编自: 达特茅斯.edu;